Thursday, January 15, 2009

This is my other blog. Greetings!

I have been wondering lately about the balance a Christian must have with his faith and his political views. John Calvin said that when we dive into the political realm, we are to dive into it as secular members of society. Meaning, that we aren't bringing church politics together with political politics.

Ultimately, the Christian faith is the number one concern in all of the world. It truly is the only peace we can have, and we must never believe that our political views in any way bring a better balance to the Christian faith than there already is through Christ.

I hope that with the creation of this blog, it will be evident that my theology helps guide my political views, but never do my political views help shape my theology.

I believe that the church is the only truly justifying grace on earth, and that no president, king, boss, or authority of man can fulfill what God has already fulfilled in his life,death, and resurrection.

So I will be posting as many, if not more blogs on this blog as I do on my political blog.



  1. Sounds intriguing to me.

    It will be very interesting and hopefully encouraging to see how you work through this separation.

  2. Castleman said...
    "We must never believe that our political views in any way bring a better balance to the Christian faith than there already is through Christ."

    And I believe, that our Christian faith establishes our political views through Christ, the King of Kings, and thus, establishes the "correct balance" of our faith in Christ, which is, that He, is the ultimate authority.
